Vaccination Information

Pneumococcal Disease and Shingles


Know the facts about Pneumococcal Disease and Shingles.

*Pneumococcal Disease*

>Is caused by common bacteria that can spread when infected people sneeze or cough. In some cases, the bacteria may travel throughout your body causing infections that can make you very sick.

>Pneumococcal Disease can lead to hospitalization and, in rare cases, may even cause death.

>The risk for Pneumococcal Disease increases for those 50 and over.

>Certain medical conditions also can increase the risk for developing invasive Pneumococcal Disease:

-Diabetes (3X the risk)

-Heart disease (3X the risk)

-Lung disease (7X the risk)

Come talk with one of our pharmacists or nurses at Andes about your risk for Pneumococcal Disease and vaccinations for Pneumococcal Disease.



>1 in 3 people will get Shingles in their lifetime

>If you've had chickenpox, the Shingles virus is already inside you

> Your risk for Shingles increases as you get older

>The Shingles rash can last up to 30 days


Come talk with one of our pharmacists or nurses at Andes about your risk for Shingles and available vaccinations.