What is Home Infusion?

Home infusion therapy is the administration of intravenous (through a vein) medication, such as antibiotics and chemotherapy, to patients in their own homes. Small, portable pumps which allow medication to be administered to the patient through an IV (intravenous) line make it possible for many patients to go about their normal daily activities while receiving their medicine.
Patients receiving home infusion enjoy the satisfaction of returning to their own surroundings, resuming daily activities, taking an active role in their own care, and even, when appropriate, returning to work. These activities offer significant emotional benefits that, in turn, facilitate healing. In addition to these benefits, home infusion is a highly cost-effective approach to IV therapy.



MED- Choice Pharmacy provides compassionate, quality home infusion using a multidisciplinary approach and the most effective and efficient utilization of resources to achieve the best patient outcomes. MED- Choice Pharmacy is nationally accredited with ACHC for home infusion therapy.